Expired Domains on Website: >5 million

New Domains in :






DroppedHub Monthly Stat Report: May 2024 Overview

DroppedHub Monthly Stat Report 2024-05

May has been a bustling month, with significant engagement and activity across all rating categories. Here’s a detailed breakdown of domain registrations and our platform's growth over the past month.

Platform Performance and Growth

Domains Analyzed and Rated

  • Domains Analyzed in May: 3,4m (for a total of 27m since our launch)
  • Domains that didn't make it through our filters: 2,7M (total of 21,8m)
  • Domains Rated in May: 666k (for a total of 5,2m)

Domain Registrations by Rating

See how many of our domains were registered in the past month.

Gold Domains

  • Total Registered in May: 1,6k
  • Cumulative Registered Since Launch: 10,4k

Silver Domains

  • Total Registered in May: 3,7k
  • Cumulative Registered Since Launch: 29,1k

Bronze Domains

  • Total Registered in May: 9,3k
  • Cumulative Registered Since Launch: 63k

Public Domains

  • Total Registered in May: 20k
  • Cumulative Registered Since Launch: 134k

Highlights of the Month

May has been another remarkable month for DroppedHub, characterized by ongoing growth in domain registrations and enhanced analytical capabilities. We analyzed over 3.4 million domains, bringing our total to 27 million since our inception. The consistent registration of domains across all categories, especially Public domains, reflects the growing interest in our platform.

Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to improving DroppedHub's functionality and user experience. Our goal is to enhance our filtering and rating processes to ensure users have access to the best possible domains. We are excited about the future and are committed to introducing more advanced features and tools to help you succeed in the domain market.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. We are eager to see what the coming months bring and how our community will continue to grow and thrive with DroppedHub. Here’s to discovering more hidden gems and seizing the opportunities that lie ahead!

For any suggestions or feedback, please reach out to us via [info@droppedhub.com].

